According to a recent survey conducted by Builder Magazine and American LIVES, home buyers today have a different profile than those buying just five years ago. They are younger – nearly 65% are under the age of 45 – and, while married couples comprise the majority, the number of single-parent buyers with and without children has increased.
Of those who bought single-family houses, 75% chose new homes over existing ones. What were their reasons? They wanted (1) a newly-constructed house that was more energy efficient; (2) a larger house; (3) a home in a better neighborhood; (4) a home that didn’t stretch their finances.
The majority also said that their homes have grown in importance because they spend more time there now. Home is not only their shelter, but also a refuge from a penny-pinching and ever-changing world. Because of that, they are willing to make trade-offs in lifestyle, price and convenience to get the one they really want.
What does this tell you? For one thing, that the market isn’t dead. There are people looking to buy new homes. You must educate yourself on where to find them and how to sell them. Doing both takes patience and practice.
As Julia Child said, “The measure of achievement is not winning awards. It’s doing something that you appreciate, something you believe is worthwhile. I think of my strawberry soufflé. I did that at least 28 times before I finally conquered it.”
In his autobiography, Andre Agassi put it this way: “If I’ve learned nothing else, it’s that time and practice equal achievement.”
The message here is to get motivated and moving. Even in making a dessert, 28 flops is better than 28 hours of foot-dragging.